Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The purest form of genius.
// spm stamp of approval.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
extraordinary creativity in the art of killing zombies.
This film is still in post-production, so this footage is still to be fine-tuned. However, it still gets me excited to see this new zombie flick which promises babes and martial arts. check out the doc and updates here!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Lunch Time Zombies
I felt like drawing a cute lil zombie today during lunch. Then I got carried away and ended up coloring it a bit.
Hope you like it
You guys rock!
// spm
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Land of the Dead gore highlight reel
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Head Like a Hole music video
Video for the New Zealand band "Head Like a Hole," which was banned from TV until after 10:00 pm for the chainsaw shenanigans.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
'Dead Snow' at Sundance Film Festival
Director Tommy Wirkola brings us a new horror-comedy called "Dead Snow" which will be screened at Sundance. They did a great job on the zombie designs! Check out the trailer HERE
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dead Set Miniseries
Dead Set is a British miniseries based around a zombie attack during the reality show "Big Brother".
At first I was skeptical about the premise, but after watching the first episode, I am a believer.
It is amazing. There are 5 episodes, and every episode is great!
All episodes can be found on Youtube. Most episodes are split into parts.
Here is episode 1: part 1 of 5
Part 2/5
Part 3/5
Part 4/5
Part 5/5
UPDATE - youtube took these off recently! I will try to get these somewhere somehow, so dont worry!
If you liked 28 days later...youll love this!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jason Chan tells the untold zombie story...
This is a recent work of art from Jason Chan
I love the color and style, not to mention the scariest zombies around....children
Monday, November 17, 2008
World War Z Director
So I saw James Bond: Quantum of Solace yesterday, and it was awesome. What is even better, is that the Director of Bond; Marc Foster, is directing the up and coming World War Z adaptation.
Brad Pitts Production company - Plan B is head of the film, which gives me lots of hope. Because Brad Pitt knows his shit.
// spm
Thursday, November 13, 2008
World War Z: Movie Details
Max Brooks World War Z is a book im sure most of you know. If you dont, you need to go buy that book right now. It is an excellent piece of zombie work - which is why it is becoming a movie :)
from what I hear so far, this movie will not let us down.
The movie follows a journalist, named Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt?). He travels all around the world conducting interviews with survivors of the zombie outbreak. It feels like this could be a documentary-style film, but from what ive gathered it will be much more than that.
"Aint It Cool News" reported that they have seen the script written by J. Michael Straczynski, and had this to say:
"I love this script. Love every dark, somber, upsetting page of it. This is a horror epic, a serious, sober-minded adult picture waiting to be made, and it's one of the best pieces of screenwriting craft I've encountered in a while."
Although Straczynski's resume doesnt impress me with his long list of babylon 5, and Jake and the Fatman credits - It maybe an impossible feat to ruin such an awesome concept such as World War Z, but it remains to be seen.
This movie is schedualed to be released in 2010
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New Zombie Haikus - updated
keishoku shukun sent in these zombie haikus - pretty clever!
Lifeless hands reaching outward
Empty eyes searching
Lifeless shells rotting
If you got a zombie haiku, send it in, and well post it!
stay hungry out there::.
// spm
Monday, October 27, 2008
Grand Theft...Zombies?
The mod can be found here. As I myself lack the means to play it, I can't comment on its quality, but if anyone's got a review of it they want to kick our way...we'd love to hear it.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Killer Weapons
Howdy folks,
My good fiend Chris Crammer (previously posted about regarding his sweet zombie comic) sent me this link the other day for ZOMBIE TOOLS! Most appropriate. Most awesome. Check it out NOW!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Zombie Pub Crawl 2008!
It was a night of terror. Blood all over the streets, people walking in front of cars, stopping traffic...I made a child cry. It was a dream come true.
Check out our pictures! I will update with more pictures as they come in!
Here are thousands of other photos!
// spm
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October is a good month for the Undead.
Much to report today brain eaters! First off, Geoff over at Revenant Magazine just informed us about the Revenant Film Fest Wrap up!
Geoff Writes:
The 2008 Revenant Film Festival came to a close this past Saturday night in Seattle, WA. We had a killer time with everyone and thank you to all that came out and had a great time with us! It was a long night of films and you were the best of crowds!
Our entire line-up was an amazing mix of indie zombie films from around the world. We featured: The short film ‘Zombie Undead’ from Director Rhys Davies in the UK which is the short film version of an already in production feature length film, The short film ‘Bernie Franklin’ from Directors Travis Von Rotz (who also starred in the production) and Brandon Swanson from Seattle - which picked up Best Short Film, The Feature Film ‘Reel Zombies’ from Directors Mike Masters and David J. Francis from Ontario, Canada – which won Best Feature Film, The feature film ‘Colin’ from Marc Price of the UK - which won the Special Jury Prize, The Feature Film ‘Grave Mistake’ from Shawn Darling of New Mexico – which featured some of the best looking zombies I have seen in a LONG time and garnered quite a few laughs from our crowd, and to finish out the night we featured Andy Davis’ ‘2’ from Portland, Maine – which we hailed as “one of the best indie zombie films in recent history.”
All films and trailers were very well received and the awarded selections were voted on by festival attendees.Thank you to everyone that has helped us to spread the word about our event, we greatly appreciate the support over the years and we look forward to showcasing the future of independent zombie films at the next Revenant Film Festival!
We want to thank Geoff and Revenant for hosting such an awesome film festival!!
Continue to support Revenant and Zombie culture....or else I will eat you.... Be sure to check out the Interviews with Andy Davis - Director of "2" and Marc Price - Director of "Colin"
In other
I personally love pinup models....and I love zombies....but the combination weirds me out. But its still awesome!
Thanks Kyle!
Last but not least, our friend and fellow contributing artist Robert of Monster Portraits
has just completed another amazingly detailed painting that you all should see!
Keep them coming Robert!
You guys Rock!
// spm
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Batman - Zombie Episode
BATMAN!!! there are alot of zombies in this episode!
The Batman Season 4 - Episode 5: "A Strange New World"
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Superman vs Solomon Grundy
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Zombie Squirrel!!
If there is one thing I can appreciate, its cute and morbid. And Anna does it best :)
Check out her site at
// spm
Friday, October 10, 2008
Zombies Ate My Neighbors!
Youtube user Gia Chan did a speed run of the entire game, if you missed it on Sega and Super Nintendo. The playlist is here.
Check out levels 1-8 rightchere:
Quarantine Review
So I went to the midnight showing of Quarantine last night. I went into this movie expecting something a little less than the original. When it comes to remakes i.e. The Ring, Its almost safe to assume that it wont be as good as the original. Granted, I enjoyed the Ring.
[REC] has to be one of my favorite zombie films of all time - and I must throw Quarantine in there as an equal.
I know that is pretty ballsy to say, but Quarantine - in my opinion - held its own. It did an excellent job of expanding the plot for American audiences - explaining what the virus is, and why it is so dangerous. The new set of characters also works or me, and the actors do a great job at the development of their characters. Usually, in a movie like this, its the acting that takes you out of it, but I personally was not taken out of the movie by bad acting, although Jennifer Carpenter gets pretty intense at the end. You also get to see the man behind the camera frequently - thus connecting the audience with the camera. Its hard to say which one was scarier. Because I have seen [REC] a bunch of times, I knew what to expect, and at which points to hide my face. But there were a few pleasant surprises that took me off guard. All in all, I thought that Quarantine held its own - something I wasn't expecting. If you have seen [REC], you will like this movie, if you have not seen it, you will love it.
Go see Quarantine!
// spm
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Legos are the blueprints of the future...
A fellow zombie contributor; Izaak B sent me photos of a Lego zombie apocalypse called Zombie Apocafest 2008 at BrickCon 2008 in Seattle, WA
Click on the link for dozens more pictures!
Thanks Ike!
// spm
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
28 Months Later Director Rumors!
Read the article HERE
// spm
Friday, October 3, 2008
Simpsons go Zombie in 2009
As you may or may not have heard, next years "Treehouse of Horror" episode will be about the Simpson family turning into zombies after eating bad meat at Krusty Burger. And the best part? they are seeming to take homage to "28 days later" and making them fast and full of rage!
Theres nothing scarier than that, am I right?!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The covers, painted by Arthur Suydam, were parodies of iconic Marvel covers...featuring the heroes as the undead. It's some mighty good lookins, Marvel comics fan or not. This site here has collected the covers from the miniseries and its tie-ins. Enjoy!
Verrrry Addicting Flash Zombie Game
ENJOY!!! <<<<<
Monday, September 29, 2008
Need a daily dose of zombie?
So if you need a daily dose of brains, now you know where to go.
Oh, and if you want to BE a zombie, check out his other site, Zombie Portraits. For $80 plus shipping and handling, Rob will draw you as a rotting corpse. It's significantly less painful than death and reanimation.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Up and Coming Zombie Comic!!!
Here is something new for you all to follow up on. Chris Crammer, fantastic illustrator from Minneapolis, is working on a Zombie book and throwing a major, very cute spin on things. Chris has this incredible ability to meld obnoxiously adorable characters with horrific acts of graphic violence. Check out his BLOG and his WEBSITE. This shit is gonna be awesome.
Keepin' it killer.
Midnight Podcast - Corey owns it all
Congratulations to Corey over at Midnight Podcast for taking over as the main host! Root Rot has been infected, and is now eating brains somewhere within the country...
Anyway, Many thanks to Corey for mentioning Zombie Nation on Episode 101!
Thanks for everyones continuing support for the undead, because without you, we are just plain dead.
October 10 is right around the corner
But you know your still gonna see it. Im counting down the days. 2 more weeks!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Danny Boyle talks 28 weeks sequel!
The latest news on a "28 Months Later" is small, yet significant...
Danny Boyle commented on a possible 28 Weeks Later sequel last week:
"I have an idea for it [but] I've got to present it and see what people think really because it might be silly really."
When asked whether or not he would direct it, he said it was a possibility. Which is a win-win situation. 28 days was fantastic - as most Danny Boyle films are, but 28 weeks also proves that it can be done without Dannys direction. As long as he is involved, the 3rd installment of "28" will be very exciting!
I cant think of another movie I am more excited about seeing...I will be impatiently waiting for this one for a long time.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Diary of the Dead: Review
George A. Romero is a great man. He revolutionized the zombie genre and inspired generations to create horror movies of the highest quality. Unfortunately Diary of the Dead is anything but quality. The acting was some of the worst I have ever seen. Really...Plan 9 from Outer Space has better acting. everything from the exposition to the very end was done haphazardly. That being said, Ric put it best 5 minutes into the movie.
"This movie is indestructible"
It really is. This movie made us laugh movie more than anything. Although the zombie kills were beyond creative. George knows how to kill zombies. Whether its impaling children on a wall via bow & arrow, dynamite, or my favorite: sword. At one point, a guy takes out a couple zombies while shooting through a gaping hole of another zombie. Its things like these that make this movie "indestructible".
And what is the glue that holds this movie together? a deaf Amish man named Samuel. Yes, thats right. The true hero of the film. He trows dynamite and carries a scythe which helps him make the most fantastic exit from the movie.
This movie has gotten countless horrible reviews, and we can see why. But in the end, it is a zombie movie, and for that; we love it.
// spm
Monday, September 15, 2008
Keep sendin' the Z Love!
We have gotten a few submissions in the past week...
First off - Ryan at Tales of the Zombie War sent us some morbidly funny stories like, a hustler who pimps zombie whores....sounds like my biography....
Make sure to read the stories written by Clitoris Rex- they are hilarious!
Check out their site, and make sure to submit your own zombie stories!
.::Stories by Clitois Rex::.
Wrap Yer Weasel, Son
The Drivers
And Second, Thanks to Robert for this KILLER Zombie Illustration titled "Blind Date"
Thanks alot dudes, you guys rock!
Keep those contributions coming by shooting us an email! (or in the head - if we turn)
// spm
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
'Party Food' involves human flesh
because if there's a zombie outbreak, McCain is the first to go - wait, he already is the walking dead!
Monday, September 8, 2008
How to make a zombie
Our source here is ethnobotanist Wade Davis. In 1982 he visited Haiti to see if he could learn the secret of the "zombie powder" that local sorcerers, known as bokors, allegedly used to reanimate the dead. As told in his 1985 book, The Serpent and the Rainbow (a scholarly version, Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie, appeared later), Davis had little to go on but some tantalizing stories and a few contacts. Nonetheless, during his first week in Haiti he managed to meet two alleged zombies who'd been patients at a local psychiatric institute. (One would become the subject of a BBC documentary.) What's more, with the aid of a wad of greenbacks he was able to witness the manufacture of a batch of zombie powder. In a chilling passage he tells of a midnight trip to a graveyard where he watched a bokor and his assistants dig up the corpse of a recently deceased infant, portions of which--Davis is a bit vague on the details--were added to a witch's brew of plants, sea worm, toad, lizard, and fish.
As time went on Davis learned a bit about why zombies were created. Typically the victim had antagonized his family or neighbors, who hired a bokor to do him in. The bokor would spread zombie powder on the threshold of the home of the victim, where he would absorb it through his feet. After falling into a deathlike trance the victim would be buried then later summoned from the grave by the bokor, who would exploit the zombie as a slave.
Read the rest here.It also has a pretty neat and zombie related article on whether or not PCP turns people into cannibals. Remember kids, ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Horror! by Skeleface for Urban Threads
I was graciously asked to be a guest artist for the Halloween season of my good friend and colleague Niamh O'Connor's killer custom embroidery company, Urban Threads. I was honored to have been asked, and wanted to give something nightmarish enough to qualify, yet appealing enough to a larger audience for them not to be disgusted. This is the tentative result, as I am still awaiting approval, so imagine seeing this embroidered on a sweet messenger bag!
Skeleface or die
Friday, September 5, 2008
Seans Zombie survival results...
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||
Real Zombie Survival Test created with | ||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Survival freak The good news: you survive! Unfortunately, everyone else is dead. Luckily, you are probably used to being lonely.
Last Blood
The premise? Zombies have taken over the world, and the remaining human population is guarded by vampires, who need them to feed. Yes, zombies vs. vampires. Read it here!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mike, the Headless Chicken!
On Monday, September 10, 1945, farmer Lloyd Olsen of Fruita, Colorado, had his mother-in-law around for supper and was sent out to the yard by his wife to bring back a chicken. Olsen failed to completely decapitate the five-and-a-half month old bird named Mike. The axe missed the jugular vein, leaving one ear and most of the brain stem intact.
On the first night after the decapitation Mike slept with his decapitated head under his wing.
Despite Olsen's botched handiwork, Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily; he even attempted to preen and crow, although he could do neither. After the bird did not die, a surprised Mr. Olsen decided to continue to care permanently for Mike, feeding him a mixture of milk and water via an eyedropper; he was also fed small grains of corn. Mike occasionally choked on his own mucus, which the Olsen family would clear using a syringe.
When used to his new and unusual center of mass Mike could easily get himself to the highest perches without falling. His crowing, though, was less impressive and consisted of a gurgling sound made in his throat, leaving him unable to crow at dawn. Mike also spent his time preening and attempting to peck for food with his neck.
Read the rest at Mike's Wikipedia entry.
As a bonus, another zombie bird...not sure of the exact origin of this series of photos, but holy shit:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Portrait of a Zombie
Okay, folks, this is the work of Joshua Graves, owner and operator of The Creep Machine, an awesome website devoted to low-brow up-and-comers like myself (well, most people on his site run fuckin' circles around me, but I am trying), and he is an all around fantastic gentleman. He is also the curator of some kick-ass group shows, like "Attack of the B Movie" that was held back in April at SF's Space gallery, and "This is the End..." coming March 6th, 2009, so keep your eyes out. So check out Mr. Graves, maggots, or you will regret it.
Dawn of the Dead 2 and Pub Crawl!
This isnt the most recent of news, but in case anyone was wondering....
Richard Rubinstein, producer of Dawn of the Dead - has confirmed that they will indeed be making a sequel to the hit remake - ( )
Zach Snyder has also confirmed and elaborated on his ideas on the sequel. Of any horror remake (which should never be done) this one is daaaamn good, and i trust Zach Snyder to make a good film. Lets just hope 20th Century Fox lets Warner Brothers release the Watchmen so Zach can move on and make Dawn of the Dead 2!
I cant wait!!!
In Local News...
The crawl will begin at Seven Corners, and end at The Cabooze. We're super excited for this year's flesh feast! We'll continue to post details daily, here are some highlights to look for:
- All ages zombie party
- Zomb-e-oke (Karaoke for the undead.)
- Artwork by Dwitt
- Music
- Mayhem
- Human Flesh
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Undead Inkings of Bryan Baugh
Also, he has a great new horror comic out titled Wulf and Batsy, and a bit of insider info that I received from the man himself tells me that all zombie fans need to keep an eye out for September's issue three.
Bryan Baugh's work (which is all copyrighted, so don't be a dumbass and use it without permission) can be found at all of these sites:
So yeah, girls and ghouls, keep an eye out, and KEEP EATING PEOPLE'S BRAINS!